About Me

My photo
Las Villas De El Pardo, Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines
I write not because I wanted to speak but my heart wishes to convey its intellect to the farthest height to the deepest low, I am my captain and I am my slave. I’m bound to deceive no one but my own reflection, my identity is far beyond my thoughts, hidden in the myth of fire and snow. I am my own prisoner chained with ecstasy and despair, hovering in my own solitude of blissful world and death. I sing not because of a song but my heart long to be a melody of chances and circumstances of life’s uncertainty, beneath every infirmity and wealth. My anthems verbalize my soul with haste and chaste. I am no one but myself, an idle and a significant to creation. I cry not because I’m happy nor proud but because my eyes devoir me with tears. I am but a quest of frustration and delight not known to fallacy of my own personal façade, entrapped in a dungeon of my own position. This is me! I am Wordbliss Chronicle.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Permítanme hablar contigo

I am but a vicious man, whose lips and tongue are as deadly as a poison who speaks of truth and curse living with lies. Will that make me an enemy of the state or just plainly an ignorant fool who dwelt where palm tree grows?


I am a traveller to all parts and a newcomer to none. I travel the earth and the astral plains. I expedite the void not thinking about direction be it on high hills or in the depth of the sea. I know how to name and class all the strange flowers that grow, pretenders, hypocrites, fakes all seems to know my name. I trembled once when I flung in the no man’s land. The minutes turned to deathly hours, cold sweat drips, knees shake, breathe draw weak death draws the demon nearby.  

I am weak and sooner will rot to the ground, not a gentle sound of piece of words profound. I try to reach many but only a few will hear the sound of my voice or my footsteps. I choice to hide in the shadows of days and nights, I am dreary and my energy hardly glows.  As petals blossom in the buds of May its beauty will soon fade away for neither on this ground is endless, all are subject to change.  

I try to build my legacy that the future might speak of a being that once touch lives and once dwelt in the earth. If I speak of what I have obtained will you listened or simply ignore? This lowly man who is a strangers at sight and a true being to oneself. If I cry will you comfort me? Or simply just pass me by. If I laugh will you share my thoughts? Or simply will condemn me of being insane. If I’m in doubt will you be at my side? Or simply make excuses and make things obvious that you’re avoiding being nearby. Will you listen to your heart’s content or will you be the same fraud that hides and spy?   Till then I will always be your ALTER EGO constantly knocking at your door till you realize your self-worth.  

