haven’t met you yet, but I listen to this song, and the way it makes me feel,
it makes me know you, and I hope that I will meet you someday because it is the
feeling of being in love and I know that it’s ridiculous to feel this from
listening to a song.
Who are you, where are you, and why is it taking so long? I don’t even see you
in the horizon, but one day, there you will be, no questions need assuring and
forever will loom in front of us, something, days, weeks, years, all with this
feeling at the bottom of it, chills going through my stomach and the biggest,
stupidest smile on my face reflected back to me on your face.
A lot of things had happen
lately since the last blog I posted, it sucks but I have no choice but to be
silent about it, taking time to be away from everything including my writing
thoughts. This couple of months made a better person in a way I have ousted my
anger, depression, and my hatred in the world and have resonated with clear
thoughts and unblemished heart. It was an unordinary task cause most of the
things I wrote are based on emotions, I have allowed pain to take toil within
me till my heart becomes numb and my weary eyes could no longer bare to shed
tears no more.
I become tired of chasing
answers to pressing questions, more in the idea of serendipity and the thought
of love. I used to be optimistic about it but as I evaluate things love was
never meant to be a pursuit but waiting.
So this time I will wait and
let God be the cupid.