About Me

My photo
Las Villas De El Pardo, Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines
I write not because I wanted to speak but my heart wishes to convey its intellect to the farthest height to the deepest low, I am my captain and I am my slave. I’m bound to deceive no one but my own reflection, my identity is far beyond my thoughts, hidden in the myth of fire and snow. I am my own prisoner chained with ecstasy and despair, hovering in my own solitude of blissful world and death. I sing not because of a song but my heart long to be a melody of chances and circumstances of life’s uncertainty, beneath every infirmity and wealth. My anthems verbalize my soul with haste and chaste. I am no one but myself, an idle and a significant to creation. I cry not because I’m happy nor proud but because my eyes devoir me with tears. I am but a quest of frustration and delight not known to fallacy of my own personal façade, entrapped in a dungeon of my own position. This is me! I am Wordbliss Chronicle.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ignore by God

Many people tell me: “I often feel that I am ignored by God.Why is it so hard to establish a dialogue with the Divine?”

On one hand we know that it is important to seek God.
On the other hand, life distances us from Him/Her – because we feel ignored by the Divine, or else because we are busy with our daily life.
This makes us feel very guilty: either we feel that we are renouncing life too much because of God, or else we feel that we are renouncing God too much because of life.
This apparent double law is a fantasy: God is in life, and life is in God.
If we manage to penetrate the sacred harmony of our daily existence, we shall always be on the right road, because our daily tasks are also our divine tasks.

When you feel this, just recite in the silence of your heart a beautiful prayer by Thomas Merton:

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going,
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.

I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I am constantly battling with time this couple of days and my body is telling me to relax and unwind but my thoughts keep pushing me through my limits. Deadline! Deadline! Deadline! It sucks but can't complain cause the moment i close my eyes I am flustered with the completion date! How i wish that this so called profession that i have chosen could had been routine-nary. Anyways be living you with the thing that i have accomplished this past two days.

Proposed Two-Storey Building at USJ-R Balamban Campus, View - 1
View - 2

Till next time! need to go back to my drawing board.

Friday, February 24, 2012

This couple of days had been way to absorb, i was racing with time; had to complete a couple of project on time. Anyways, I feel so drain lately, forgive me for not writing something out. I simply want my thoughts to relax as of this moment. 

Be leaving you with something that I have rendered this recent 2 days ago. Till then...

A friend of mine commission me to design for their new residence, I wanted it contemporary by nature but he insisted to make it classic. :-) As the saying goes clients are always right! If not I won't get paid. LOL

Wordbliss signing off!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


In the shore my feet are washed by the sand,
Weary and in deep solitude I gaze
I run to chase its maze
But it vanished long before my reach.

The last candles slowly burns
The bright orange light slowly turns,
Sprouting sparks throughout the night
Trying to keep fiery light.

The wax slowly immerse
And words simply run out of verse,
Twisting and turning in flight
The smoke clinging to its height.

Wind carries the smoke to a distant
Far beyond my weary sight
Till it lives no more
and leaves a memory in the shore.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Sweetest Emotions that springs

Love is the sweetest emotion, that springs, love is like that tender kiss, you gave me at the start, love is to see that special smile, appear on your face, love is like a bouquet, with its trimmings and lace love is like sunshine, strong and true, love is all that i feel so deeply for you.

I can’t find the words to describe how I feel about you that I have not already written. I have expressed my love for you and my desire in burning passion in a million folds. These emotions have not changed nor will they. A day without you makes me very forlorn and melancholy. How much I long and wanted you near me, to treat you like a lady, to shower you with affection, attention, love and devotion; to prove beyond doubts how happy, joyous and dedicated I am to your love.

I want none of this world but to share my life’s simplicities, to be real, necessary, important and rewarding part of yours. Have I told you already I hear you in my sleep? Your melody accompanies me during my days. Do you remember we blinked and I felt you through my body like a prayer? Circling, breathing moving only ever upward I cherish your memories beyond these earthly binds and every breath I offer is in your name.

I am not starved now. I am revealed for you have eradicated doubts with contentment. You are the sweetest emotions that ever springs that confess within my soul.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ingon sa usa ka rosas
Dugay ko na nga gipangandoy
Nga unta bulukon nga
Mupadan-ag sa kinabuhi.

Unya miabot ka…
Sinul-oban sa nawong nga
Ug mata nga madahihon
Nalukmay kining tig-a ko’ng dughan
Kay diha sa imong mga ngabil
Migula man ang mga mabulukon nga alibang-bang.

Gidakop ko kini ug giampingan
Gibilanggo ilawom sa akong dughan
Ug kini nagbuhi sa paglaum
Nga dugay ko nang gilubong.

Friday, February 17, 2012

I Love You Goodbye

I sit here in sorrow intoxicated and delineate in pain. Why does life draws to its end? Why do flowers plunge to its death, when its petals brought joy to the morning? Why is there always death in goodbye, if love is eternal then why you vanish like smoke? Am I to hate you or bless you, when you promise me a lifetime only to find out that it was just a lie? 

I love you far beyond my heart could offer, to the highest heights and the deepest low you are my sanity yet now you are my insanity. My heart stops beating the moment you leave, you took everything of me shredding me to nothingness to the point of no direction: leaving me helplessly in the presence of darkness.

I love you too much, the very same reason why I’m letting you go because I am fully aware that it’s him that you desire and his; your thorough definition of happiness. It hurts like hell but it’s a reality that I have to deal day by day and minute per minute because when say I love you it means unconditional love and love that knows how to sacrifice.

Make Belief

Back when I was a child my faith was so delicate and fragile, it can easily be corrupted and monopolized by certain philosophy. It is as innocent as clear water on a spring that flows to no direction, allowing what is inevitable and simply without doubt believing what is foretold; those where the times when we can freely roam in the vastness of fantasy and fallacy. Where obligation has no definition and responsibilities are optional. It was the time when we can be ourselves and our own reflection, where hypocrisy is none existence. Where we own the world and time was not an option. We run, we laugh and we cry but in the end of the day it was worthwhile because a simple hug and a smile from our dear parents will make everything in place. I can write a million piece and float in faraway galaxies out of my childhood but authenticity knocks me out of my feet for those are things that dwelt in the past.  

What happened throughout the years? As we elevate to heights and acquire knowledge in the process we have become vulnerable and slowly without notice we let go of that firm foundation of innocence, fear had consume our hearts; fear of what is unseen and fear of foreseeable consequences. Back on the days our path where taught to a course of maturity. It has leaded us to a progress but none the less it has degraded our mind that life in itself is suited for survival, where we have to gain for us to survive. As I was growing I have come to see different things from possibility to impossibility, the hero that I once installed in me became a commoner of existence. I purely lose that sense of fantasy and stainless belief of perception.  Yes indeed I became a man! But in some ways I have fail to sustain the child in me. I became a joy killer and concentrated one third (1/3) of my life in my profession due to the call of survival.  I simply let myself be sunk with load of responsibility and have walked the path that most of us absolutely take. I was like a horse without question and simply let life take me to a path of direction.  I hate to say this and this might sound disturbing in your hearing but sometimes growth can be deadly in a sense it has given us a clear picture of life.  I don’t blame life for putting me into the situation that I’m into right now but I just wish that I had more time to freely roam and live on childhood make-believe’s delusion. Funny as it may seems but I would love to ride back to time to enjoy every single moment in bliss for just one more journey. 

I may sound senseless at this very moment but I’m just solely speaking out what my heart wish to convey. I guess it goes to show me writing this down would simply mean that I can’t turn back the hands of time. 

God I miss my childhood days, and how I wish I could be that child again who’s contented with simplicity taking refuge on what is present and worries of no tomorrow.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Out of the Blue

Writing has been a passion that i can't resist, it has been my soul confinement from this so called chaotic world by doing so i can fully expressed every desire and every unspoken thoughts that lingers within me. Its as easy as ABC and just recently I'm in the process of finalizing my 3rd book for publishing. :-)

And as always I only share this book to my love ones and my closes colleague, knowing that much of the things i write are reflections of my personality and my daily quest. 

Bellow is the preface of my second self titled book: 


The wind breaths fire and the raging storm shook the ground. The heat had burned everything into ashes. It conveys an epitome of inevitable uncertainty far beyond my reach. Drought has come consistently as day pass by. It has press me in a situation of my decease. 

It made me dumb & how I wish I wasn’t human to neither feel all this emotions nor let my logic be tested far beyond my mind could perceive. I’m in the pessimistic state of my equilibrium everything hangs in unbalance. At times I am a hypocrite hiding behind a smile but deep inside tears keeps falling: shaken, twisted, pressed down and choked up of the acid test called: LIFE.

My pen is a being of its own; it has devoured me with mystery in farther galaxies & earthly norms. It imparts countless fallacy of questions and inequity in realms unknown of depths and pinnacle.

 I write not because I wanted to speak but my heart wishes to convey its intellect to the farthest height to the deepest low, I am my captain and I am my slave. I’m bound to deceive no one but my own reflection, my identity is far beyond my thoughts, hidden in the myth of fire and snow. I am my own prisoner chained with ecstasy and despair, hovering in my own solitude of blissful world and death.

I sing not because of a song but my heart long to be a melody of chances and circumstances of life’s uncertainty, beneath every infirmity and wealth. My anthems verbalize my soul with haste and chaste. I am no one but myself, an idle and a significant to creation. 

I cry not because I’m happy nor proud but because my eyes devoir me with tears. I am but a quest of frustration and delight not known to fallacy of my own personal façade, entrapped in a dungeon of my own position. 

This is me! I am Wordbliss Chronicle.

